Parsons Paris ~ School Of Art + Design

Interested in working at Parsons Paris?
Open positions are listed below; for further information, please contact the Human Resources Manager, Yury Rodriguez, at [email protected]. Thank you!

Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Develop new exchange program and study abroad collaborations, find new partners, follow agreement negotiations until signature, follow up with information, sending materials, answering inquiries by email, and receive student applications.
  • Oversee the transfer and outbound study abroad and mobility students, run info sessions, distribute and receive forms and application materials, answer student inquiries by email, phone and in the office, advise students about courses and programs at partner universities. Process applications for study abroad and transfer to NY campus.
  • Respond to telephone and email inquiries for information on the school and admissions processes.
  • Maintain and process data in student information system.
  • Meet with prospective students and conduct school tours and review portfolios.
  • Participate in the admissions committee decision meetings.
  • Assist in the organization and implementation on-campus events such as bi-annual Orientations and Open Houses.

Requested Qualifications:

  • Education and/or practical experience in Art & Design.
  • An interest in working on a team to promote Parsons Paris School of Art & Design.
  • Excellent communication skills in English and French.
  • Knowledge of the American educational system.
  • Solid computer skills including experience with Word and Excel and database systems.
  • Excellent organizational skills and ability to multi-task.
  • Candidate must be a French or European Citizen, or otherwise entitled to work in France.

Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Inform, advise and assist students in the process of obtaining student visas and carte de séjour.
  • Assist students with French administration issues: applying for CAF, establishing and canceling phone and utilities services, etc.
  • Research housing options for students, inform students about available housing and provide assistance in establishing a lease.
  • Organize and keep records of student health insurance data, distribution of insurance cards and correspondence with insurance provider.
  • Enter and manage student data.
  • Provide current and prospective student with information about Parsons Paris: in person, on the phone and by e-mail.
  • Oversee on-campus student interns: assign jobs and monitor hours as well as supervise students assigned to Student Life.
  • Organize and implement on-campus events such as biannual Orientation and Open House.
  • Develop and administer student activities as well as supervise Student Government

Requested qualifications:

  • Fluency in at least French and English
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Knowledge of the American educational system, as well as an understanding of the challenges facing international students in Paris
  • Strong knowledge of the city of Paris and its resources for students
  • Solid computer skills including experience with Microsoft Office
  • Good organizational skills and ability to multitask
  • Ability to motivate and inspire students
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule and achieve results in a fast-paced environment

To apply for the position, please submit the following to the Human Resources manager Yury Rodriguez at [email protected] :

  • A letter demonstrating your interest in developing Parsons Paris's student life office
  • A curriculum vitae or resumé including your strengths and weaknesses in light of the job description
  • A list of references including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers, whom the search committee may contact

Chair of Illustration is responsible for managing the academic and administrative functions of the department, providing leadership for the Illustration faculty and developing the curriculum to ensure a relevant, challenging art education of the highest standard. Chair of Illustration reports to the Dean, as well as coordinating with the other Department Heads, to achieve a cohesive pedagogical vision that supports the school's mission.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Teaching
  • Management of the Illustration faculty and staff
  • Department budget
  • Student academic advising
  • Curriculum development
  • Developing/maintaining contacts in the field and inviting top-rated guest artists and critics to speak/collaborate with the school

Criteria for Selection

Candidates should possess:

  • A Master's degree, or a foreign degree of an equivalent level, in Illustration or a related field of study
  • A good knowledge of the American educational system
  • Valid French working papers
  • Fluency in spoken English and French
  • Strong communication skills, especially in written English
  • A record of excellence in leadership and art education
  • Significant practice or research in their field
  • Effective administrative skills, including management of human resources, budget planning, etc.
  • An innovative approach to curriculum development
  • A strong vision for the Illustration Department that contributes to and coordinates with the Parsons Paris mission
  • An interest in developing inter-disciplinary dialogue that relates Illustration practice not only to the school's other fields of study, but also to the world at large.

Application Procedure

Please submit:

  • CV
  • pedagogical proposal
  • Examples of recent or distinguished work
  • Any other supporting materials

The Pedagogical Proposal should contain a description of a candidate's educational philosophy, approach to management of staff and students, ideas for curricular development and vision for developing the department in cooperation with the other programs offered at Parsons Paris.

SALARY: Contingent upon experience
BENEFITS: Mutuelle française; tickets restaurants. (French Social Security includes health and retirement plans).

Applications should be sent by e-mail to Yury RODRIGUEZ, Human Resources Manager: [email protected].

Nous recherchons un Webmaster / Responsable du Fonds Numérique (H/F) bilingue Anglais dont les tâches seront:

  • Développer la plateforme communautaire (blogs, albums photos/vidéo, forums de discussion, mon espace, portail web, e-Learning) ainsi que les outils éditoriaux (gestion de contenu);
  • Veiller à la qualité et à la performance constante de l’environnement technique de l'école par la prise en charge des développements, de la maintenance et des évolutions des applications web internes;
  • Mettre en oeuvre les développements informatiques, y compris les phases de définitions de projet et de réception, de développement, de finalisation et de réglage après livraison (tant sur les aspects techniques qu’utilisateurs);
  • Développer de nouvelles applications informatiques ou adapter des programmes existants;
  • Organiser et gérer l’entretien et la maintenance du logiciel;
  • Organiser et gérer la maintenance opérationnelle des serveurs web;
  • Gérer les relations avec les fournisseurs externes et les éventuels prestataires de service;
  • Contribuer à l’innovation et à la conception de nouveaux projets de développement pour l'école;
  • Mettre en place une politique de stockage et de référencement des fond numériques.

Le Webmaster / Responsable du Fonds Numérique est rattaché au Responsable Informatique de l'école et travaillera en étroite collaboration avec la Direction Marketing.

Profil recherché:

  • Bac + 3 en ingénierie web et développement
  • Anglais courant / bilingue
  • Excellent maîtrise des techniques de développement d'applications web (ASP, PHP ou ASP.Net)
  • Excellente maîtrise des bases de données MS SQL 2008 et MySQL
  • Très bonne maîtrise des techniques de développement Web (HTML5, PHP, .NET, JavaScript et Flash)
  • Bonne maîtrise des palettes graphiques
  • Bonne maîtrise des techniques de développement pour plateformes mobiles (iOS, Androide, XNA, Silverlight) serait un plus
  • Expérience en Web Agency serait un plus
  • Aisance à échanger avec des interlocuteurs de tous niveaux
  • Autonomie, rigueur et disponibilité

Volontaire et enthousiaste, vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans une start up en fort développement au sein de laquelle vous bénéficierez d'une grande autonomie ainsi que de réelles perspectives d'évolution. Vous faites preuve de rigueur et appréciez la diversité des missions. Votre force de proposition, votre esprit d'innovation et votre souci d'amélioration permanente seront appréciés.

Si ce poste semble être fait pour vous, merci d'adresser :

  • Une lettre détaillant votre intérêt pour ce poste
  • Un CV mettant en avant vos points forts et points faibles à la lumière de cette annonce

à Yury Rodriguez, Responsable Ressources Humaines.


Requested Qualifications:

  • BFA or BA in Fashion, Textile or Graphic Design or equivalent
  • fluency in English
  • deep cad-skills in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
  • relevant work experience in computerized design development and portfolio presentations
  • relevant work experience in the field of womenswear design and collection development (minimum 3 years)
  • EU working permission
  • passion for international fashion in Higher Education
  • enthusiasm for working with young creatives and for transferring professional knowledge and skills

Appreciated Qualifications:

  • Lectra (Kaledo Style & Kaledo Print)
  • knowledge in menswear and childrenswear
  • MFA or MA in Fashion or Textile Design
  • significant international working experience
  • previous teaching experience


Requested Qualifications:

  • BFA or BA in Fashion Design or Fashion Illustration or equivalent
  • fluency in English
  • relevant working experience in the field of illustration and / or fashion drawings
  • qualified 2D-skills in basic and advanced fashion drawing and illustration
  • qualified 2D-knowledge in various rendering techniques, mixed media and experimental 2D-design
  • EU working permission
  • passion for international fashion in Higher Education
  • enthusiasm for working with young creatives and for transferring professional knowledge and skills

Appreciated Qualifications:

  • MFA or MA in Fashion or Illustration or equivalent
  • significant (international) working experience
  • previous teaching experience


Requested Qualifications:

  • BFA or BA in Fashion Design or equivalent technical degree / certificate
  • fluency in English
  • relevant working experience in fashion design, creative pattern making and cutting, toiling, sample making and tailoring
  • qualified 3D-skills in garment development to a professional standard
  • qualified knowledge in various technical specifications
  • technical expertise in womenswear
  • EU working permission
  • passion for international fashion in Higher Education
  • enthusiasm for working with young creatives and for transferring professional knowledge and skills

Appreciated Qualifications:

  • advanced knowledge in menswear and tailoring and childrenswear
  • significant (international) working experience
  • previous teaching experience

Parsons Paris is an established school of art and design located in central Paris. The Communication Design department is expanding and currently seeking qualified, English-speaking instructors with experience in:

  • information design
  • typography
  • print production
  • design history and theory
  • design methodology
  • web design
  • game design
  • 3D modeling
  • animation
  • sound design
  • interaction design
  • multimedia

Candidates should possess an advanced design degree and/or significant professional experience. Previous teaching experience is highly desirable. English fluency is required.

Please send a CV and personal statement (with a link to an online portfolio if possible) to Fréderique Krupa at [email protected].

14 rue Letellier 75015 Paris France

+33(0)1 45 77 39 66

Fax: +33 (0)1 45 77 10 44

[email protected]

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